For those unfamiliar, there is this baseball blog directory called It's a neat little site and they have some cool aggregation features and statistical breakdowns. The breakdown I am interested in today is their team blog rankings. Basically, it's a ranking of the total number of posts made on blogs dedicated to a given team.

For as long as I can remember, the Mets have been number 1 here (although, to be honest, I haven't paid that close attention, so maybe I'm wrong). But, it looks like the Yankees blogs are now closer than they we have ever been, thanks to the emergence of the dynamo known as Peter Abraham as well as the continued excellence of the Steve, the RAB guys, Pinstripe Alley and plenty of others. We're at 389.0 posts per week while the Mets are at 417.7 posts per week. So, let's step it up and take first.

(Disclaimer: Yes, I realize it's number of posts and ... well, that really doesn't mean that much. Quality over quantity, for sure. One blog may do more in one post than another does in 10. I also realize that these rankings mean very little themselves and they could/can be skewed. This is just for fun. But, I do think it'd be cool if we were number 1. :))