Apparently, LeBron James is a Yankees fan. I'm sure this is old news to some, but I hadn't heard (or maybe I did and simply forgot). Whatever the case, this seems to have upset a number of Indians fans (who are also Cavs fans, I suppose) because, well, he's Cleveland's huge star and he doesn't want Cleveland's baseball team to win. One blog commenter on Cavaliers Corner called him a sell out and a traitor, saying that he should wear his Yankees hat in the privacy of his home, only and that he should remember who pays his salary.

This strikes me as a little strange. As a fan of something, you have to respect fans of something else. In other words, let me put it out there like this: I was born a Yankees fan. I'll die a Yankees fan. It doesn't matter if they never win another World Series. It doesn't matter if the city of Boston decides to pay me $50 billion dollars a year to ... do something ... not sure what ... I'll die a Yankees fan. I won't die a closet Yankees fan, I'll die a Yankees fan. If the Yankees were an NBA team and the Cavs were trying to win, well, that's certainly wrong. But, they are not. Does your employer control what team you root for? Does your locale? No, of course not. Do you just stop being a fan of someone at the drop of a hat? That doesn't sound much like a fan, at all.

Via via Marcel Mutoni.