As the 2007 season has come to an end, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who visited and supported this season. Thank you to David, James and Seamus, as well, for a great year.

Even though it ended like it did and it was disappointing, this was some kind of season. Written off for dead before the break, we stormed back, giving the Red Sox a late run and taking the Wild Card. Coming from where we were, that was a huge accomplishment.

We've got decisions to make and, like every offseason, changes are coming. But, don't lose sight of what we accomplished and don't take anything for granted. Reaching the postseason is an accomplishment and a privilege - not a given or a right. To that end, congratulations to the Yankees on what they accomplished this year.

Now, all I have left is Miami Dolphins football (gah). But, there will be plenty to talk about this offseason and we'll have it here. And, before you know it, it'll be time to do it all over again.