Plenty of pieces on Sheffield. But, the summation: water under the bridge. For the moment.

"Gary and I sat down and had a good conversation," Cashman said. "I don't want to speak for him, but I'm glad to hear what's important for him. It was important we talked. I am glad we did. I hope it will continue." ...

"It's about doing it the right way; we are not going to let the media come between us," Sheffield said.

Sheffield is proud of the relationship he has built with Cashman after the initial encounter wasn't good.

"I was upset at the offer he made me when I was a free agent," said Sheffield, who has stated the first offer was two years for $8 million. He eventually got a three-year, $39 million deal from Steinbrenner. "We had to build on it. He knew we had to talk and we did. We are on the same page, 100 percent."

I'm not worried. Some of Sheffield's comment are, well, annoying. As are comments he's made before. But, they are not (primarily) targeted at one individual specifically that he comes out and attacks. He mentioned Steinbrenner and Cash, but mainly for reference. I don't trust anyone, either. I mean, I do. And I don't. But, the damage such comments can make is limited. I'd have to guess that their affect on the clubhouse is nil. We have a professional clubhouse and when he walked in there, I'm sure it was like any other day (except for maybe an "are you alright?" from Torre). Sheff's fiery and that's one of the reasons I like him. But, he's fiery in a way that is good for the team. Not fiery like, say, John Rocker. Like Seamus once said, "yeah, he's like somebody who will pummel someone into the ground for you." :)

The biggest reason I'm not worried is Joe Torre. He knows how to manage talented people. A smaller reason is Cash. I mean, he meets with him, doesn't give into anything, yet everyone's cool and "100 percent" on the "same page" (for the moment). That's the best that could have happened, am I right? Cash is good. Is there a better manager/GM combo in the league? I think not.

I like this quote:

"It's the fans that make me play the way I play. When I get the energy out of right field, especially in the Yankees uniform, those fans make me do what I do. I couldn't have played with one arm in Colorado. You can't motivate me enough to do that. Only the Yankees fans bring that out of me."